Himalayan Lavender Oil
This Oil Is Non-Sticky and is 100% Vegan
All Natural and Organic
No additives & Preservatives
Not For Consumption
Only Physical Application.
How to Use: Fill up the oil in the dropper. Pour 10-15 drops of the oil on your abdomen, back and waistline area. Gently Massage the oil over the pain inflicted area for 3 to 5 minutes. Lie down, take in the aroma of the oil, Feel the oil cooling in absorbing into your skin pores and relax.
Use Immediately whenever the pain starts to begin.
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# Time required to prepare order for shipment is one day.
Average delivery time
# Average time required for delivery after shipment is usually 4-5 working days.

The monthly menstrual cycle is almost always accompanied by cramps, back pain, abdominal pain and sometimes whole-body pain. No woman likes to go through the menstrual cramps period; it’s painful, beyond irritating and doesn’t go down well when you have tons of work to do. These period symptoms are so painful that it makes it quite difficult for women to carry out menial daily tasks, resulting in them taking over the counter drugs or trying unproven home remedies. Instead of depending on those products, buy Menstrual Cramp oil-Natural Aromatherapy Menstrual Cramp Relief Oil which contains a blend of Himalayan Lavender oil and Himalayan Hemp seed oil. The rich content of Gamma Lemonic Acid (GLA) and Magnesium in hemp and anti-inflammatory properties in lavender effectively reduces various symptoms during the menstrual cycle.

How does Hempstrol Menstrual Cramp oil work?
The makers of this potent Menstrual cramp oil have added Himalayan lavender oil and Himalayan hemp seed oil. In the 2012 study, few nursing students used either lavender oil or a placebo paraffin product to understand its impact on pain. Students who have used the lavender oil reported reduced cramping.
Essential oils are commonly used in skincare products and aromatherapy tools for easing stress and calming down anxiety. Few essential oils have enough clinically significant research to back up these claims. If you dig through the research that has been conducted on the efficacy of essential oils, you will find that certain essentials oils for menstrual cramps may be useful for treating menstrual cramps, and lavender oil is one of them. It has anti-inflammatory properties; lavender oil helps in reducing period cramps and menstrual bleeding.

Benefits of using Aromatherapy Menstrual Cramp Relief Oil?
Helps with breast tenderness: Most women suffer inflammation when having their period due to fall and rise of hormones, and this causes sensitivity in the lower back, stomach, and breasts. Hemp seed oil in our product helps regulate the body’s vanilloid receptor, which is responsible for moderating pain perception.
Decreases bloating: When you message Menstrual cramp relief oil, it will work by reducing inflammation in the body that helps to get rid of nausea which helps women to experience less bloating and cramping.

Key Ingredient of Period Cramp Relief Oil
Key ingredient in this period cramp relief oil is the potent Himalayan Hemp seed oil which comes from the most misunderstood plant of today’s generation. Unlike marijuana, which contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) responsible for giving psychoactive sensation or “feeling of being high”, hemp is bred for its industrial and health advantages. Hemp seed oil is made by cold-pressing the seeds of the hemp plant. It works by affecting the endocannabinoid system, which maintains homeostasis in the body by connecting all organs and systems. Hemp or products with CBD for Period Pain Relief also contain the pain-suppressing elements that block cramp pain by reducing the inflammation in the body. This blend, if used in the right manner, will provide you relief from menstrual cramps.
How to use Hempstrol essential oils for menstrual cramps?
Certain studies have proven how some of the essential oils can help women relieve menstrual cramps provided you buy organic period cramp relief oil; however, there is a right way to use Hempstrol Menstrual Cramp oil product to be effective on your cramps. It is advisable to pour 10-15 drops on the abdomen and massage the area in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes. You can also add a few drops of your preferred carrier oil and apply this mixture to the affected area. If you usually go through unbearable menstrual pain. In that case, it is suggested that you apply this oil once a day continuously a few days before starting your period, provided you consult with our doctors on-board first. Note: Menstrual cramp relief oil should not be swallowed under any circumstances.

Why buy Menstrual Cramp oil?
Menstrual Cramp oil, which contains highly potent ingredients such as lavender oil and hemp seed oil, which will help you get rid of the monthly menstrual period problems such as cramps and pain without altering your mental state. After using the Period Cramp relief oil consistently, you will notice experiencing a sound sleep and won’t be waking up in the middle of the night due to excruciating pain. It will also allow you to make plans with your friends, which you used to cancel earlier due to mood swings and unbearable pain.