Carrier Oil: Himalayan Hemp Seed Oil
This is a Non-Sticky Oil
100% Vegan
All Natural and Organic
No Additives & Preservatives
Not For Consumption
Only Physical Application
How to Use: Fill up the oil in the dropper. Pour 6-7 drops of the oil on your Forehead. Gently Massage the oil over the pain inflicted area. Lie down,
take in the aroma of the oil, Feel the oil cooling in absorbing into your skin pores and relax.
Use Immediately when the pain starts to begin.
Ships in
# Time required to prepare order for shipment is one day.
Average delivery time
# Average time required for delivery after shipment is usually 4-5 working days.

When your head is spinning and aches constantly, it gets challenging to operate even the basic chores of the day, let alone the hefty tasks to reach the goal. Even though pain-relieving medicines are available – they aren’t as fast as medical hemp oil for Migraines is. Over the years, cannabis experts have been working to identify the healing properties of hemp, and finally, they’ve come up with proven effective solutions that hemp oil for Migraines provides to aid the severe headache with ease. The non – greasy oil developed via the cold press method carry the goodness of natural hemp seed. You can apply the oil directly to your head or add few drops to your meal to consume in the oral form. It is said to work on the endocannabinoid receptors of the nervous system to promote relaxation, control inflammation and even muscle spasms in severe cases. It is advisable to consume the doses as directed by the physician.

What is Migraine & Cold Relief Oil?
Hempstrol Migraine Oil has used a blend of Himalayan Peppermint Oil and Himalayan Hemp Seed Oil in its composition which helps you to deal with migraines and severe headaches. The best essential oil for migraines usually has these ingredients in it. Both these Essential Oils for Headaches and Migraine are rich in Magnesium and Menthol. Did you know magnesium has the potency to heal migraines by 41.6%? Our Himalayan Hemp Seed Oil is rich in Magnesium which when blends with Himalayan Peppermint Oil works instantly in helping you deal with severe headaches. Hemp Seed oil for migraine in India is available on Hempstrol’s website.

What does it contain?
Peppermint extract: It is rich in Menthol which brings a cooling effect on your head and eases severe pain.
Peppermint oil is used as a natural decongestant and you can use this oil to treat problems associated with the common cold. Applying few drops of this oil on your Nostril and Chest Area will keep congestion at bay. Menthol, an ingredient found in topical rubs, helps to relieve congestion and soothe sore throats.
Hemp Seed Oil: Hemp seed oil can help people who are battling migraines by relieving the pain of their migraine headaches. It also reduces the severity of their migraine. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst; on average, those who use Hemp seed oil to treat migraine reported that Hemp seed oil helps them bring their pain down from 9 to 7.
The hemp seed oil also helps people in reducing the frequency of migraines, it has been observed those who have used Hemp seed oil had a migraine, headaches much less.
Why does Migraine & Cold Relief Oil work?
Hempstrol Migraine Oil contains menthol which is said to produce a cooling effect when applied to your head or chest. It stimulates the body’s thermoreceptors without actually increasing the body’s actual temperature. This makes the CBD oil for Migraine & Cold Relief Oil a natural alternative for headaches, blocked nose, or irritating cough. Peppermint oil is obtained from the leaves of the perennial herb, Mentha piperita L. and M. arvensis var. piperascens a member of the Labiatae family. It is an important medicinal plant widely used in several indigenous systems of medicine for various therapeutic benefits like analgesic, carminative anesthetic, expectorant, antiseptic, astringent, stomachic, decongestant, nervine, stimulant, inflammatory diseases, ulcer, and stomach problems. One can Buy CBD Oil for Migraine and Headache via Hempstrol and their package containing Best CBD Oil For Migraines & Headaches will get delivered at their doorstep.

How to Use Migraine & Cold Relief Oil?
Migraine & Cold Relief oil is easy to use and apply. It comes in a glass dropper bottle and a Spray tube separately. Whenever you feel your head is heavy and want something to stop the severe headache, just take a Dropper full of Migraine & Cold Oil and put a few drops on your forehead or part of the head where it hurts. Now massage your head with Hemp Massage Oil for the next 3-5 minutes without applying excessive pressure. Try to calm yourself down and relax in a comfortable position. The best essential oil for migraine has Peppermint Oil and Himalayan Hemp oil will quickly start to show the results.
How does Hemp Aromatherapy Oil or CBD Oil for Migraines Work?
Migraine Oil composition has anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce pain. One can apply hemp essential oils for Headaches and Migraine directly to the painful area for natural pain relief. Using Migraine Oil eases pain because it affects specific receptors in the brain. These receptors are part of the wider endocannabinoid system, which plays a big role in pain and inflammation throughout the human body. A majority of people who suffer headaches daily or at regular intervals found relief with the use of hemp extract. 86 percent of respondents reported a decrease in headache impact after using Migraine Oil which has hemp extract for 30 days.

How Hemp Seed Oil is beneficial?
Himalayan Hemp Seed Oil is extracted from the seeds of a Hemp plant. Although the Hemp and the Cannabis plant belong to the same plant family, Cannabis sativa L, they are two completely separate plants and have different compositions. Hemp Seed Oil is extracted through cold-pressing raw and fresh seeds of the Hemp plant, similar to the way that sunflower seeds are cold-pressed to make sunflower oil. The most notable difference between Hemp and Cannabis plants is the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) present in each plant. THC is the psychoactive portion of the cannabis plant. It’s the chemical that makes you feel “high”. While the cannabis plant has high THC levels (up to 28%), the hemp plant’s THC concentration does not exceed 0.3%. Therefore, products derived from the hemp plant are unlikely to create any kind of “high” and are extensively used as an alternative to many modern medicines.