With a lot of word-of-mouth marketing and entering of brands like Hempstrol, the conversation of CBD has now become normal and people have started to use this to treat physical and mental ailments such as joint pain, and chronic pain and manage the symptoms. Seeing the benefits to themselves, pet owners are right if they are wondering whether CBD oil could be used by their pets to manage their dog’s health issues. 

Is CBD oil actually a safe option for your dogs? And can I give cannabidiol oil India to my pets who suffer from kidney diseases? Given the role of the kidneys in removing drugs from the body, should I be giving CBD-based products to my dog that has kidney disease? Continue to read this and by the end, you will understand whether you should be giving CBD oil to your pets or not or buy CBD oil in India or not. 

Dogs and Kidney disease

Dogs are prone to kidney disease. Actually, the most typical health issue affecting dogs older than 8 is kidney illness! Even worse, it involves a wide range of serious symptoms. Due to poor food and environmental reasons, kidney issues both in dogs and cats have increased over the years. Many pet owners have started to incorporate Full spectrum Pet CBD oil in their regimen as it can help manage your pet's symptoms. Although it won't actually cure renal disease, it can be a vital supplement along with a good diet for treating symptoms and restoring your pet's body's equilibrium.

What Leads to Dog Kidney Disease?

Kidney disease in dogs is caused by a number of reasons. One is usually heredity. Second, your pet's probability of developing CKD (chronic kidney disease) is affected by other underlying medical issues (genetic or not), such as heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), and periodontal disease.

The main avoidable cause of CKD in dogs is poor diet. Dogs and cats who are fed kibble, a dry, highly processed meal, are more likely to experience chronic inflammation and dehydration. Renal function is directly impacted by dehydration and inflammation. Feeding a fresh, moisture-rich diet with as few synthetic vitamins and minerals as possible may help you avoid both of these issues. Working with a holistic veterinarian or nutritionist to customize your pet's food is a great idea if they already have renal disease.

What Symptoms Will I see? 

The first sign that many pet owners observe is that their dog needs to drink more water, which necessitates more frequent urination. One must understand that urine concentration is the responsibility of the kidneys. Urine concentration significantly decreases as a result of their inability to function properly, which causes an increase in urine production. This significant fluid loss must be compensated for by your pet drinking more. When a dog is experiencing a loss of kidney function, the cycle of polydipsia (excessive drinking) and polyuria (excessive urine) is unending.

Over time, more severe symptoms will start to show up as it advances. There will be abdominal soreness because of the pain and inflammation. When the kidneys are damaged, anemia can happen, which can cause pale gums and additional symptoms like tiredness since they are producing a hormone that stimulates red blood cells. 

All of these are typical indicators of kidney progression of the disease in dogs and should be addressed seriously. It's always vital to keep an eye on your dog's activity level, and water intake. When you see any of these signs, it's crucial to visit the vet right away because kidney illness can be devastating for your dog. Unfortunately, many of these symptoms don't appear until the sickness has grown to a pretty advanced level because of the self-protective tendency of our dogs.

What exactly is CBD?

CBD belongs to a class of compounds called cannabinoids that bind to cannabinoid receptors all throughout a dog's body. The endocannabinoid system, or ECS, is made up of receptors which has multiple positive effects. CBD oil is capable of getting quickly metabolized and practically has no negative effects on your pet. 

Take me through the research on the Efficacy of CBD oil on Pets

Colorado State University (CSU) and Cornell University veterinary experts have been examining the short-term effectiveness and safety of CBD in dogs since 2016. When given as an oral capsule or oil or applied topically as a cream, dogs appeared to tolerate cannabidiol oil India according to the CSU safety and dosage study. Regardless of the dosage or form of CBD that the dogs in the research got, they always had diarrhea. However, blood tests showed some dogs had elevated levels of one liver enzyme (alkaline phosphatase), which led the experts to advise a larger safety investigation.

After finishing the safety investigation, Colorado researchers started two clinical trials using dogs that belonged to their clients. In one trial, epileptic dogs with poorly controlled seizures were used to see if CBD may reduce seizure activity. The other study looked at whether CBD eases arthritic pain. As a result of the blinding and placebo control in both studies, neither dog owners nor veterinarians are aware of whether a dog is taking CBD or not. In the pilot, clinical research that examined the use of CBD in epileptic dogs, 89 percent of the dogs receiving CBD saw a decrease in the frequency of their seizures. These results prompted the beginning of a larger clinical investigation with CBD for dogs. Although preliminary results have been presented at various veterinary conferences, the findings have not yet been published.

The CSU pilot study investigating the impact of CBD on dog arthritic conditions has not yet produced any findings. But, Cornell University veterinary researchers have disseminated the results of their pilot clinical investigation. According to the Cornell experiments, no psychotropic side effects were noticed.

Following that, scientists looked into how CBD oil could impact the pain levels and activity levels of canines with arthritis. Veterinarians and dog owners were unaware of which dogs were receiving CBD oil or placebo oil, similar to the CSU research. In dogs receiving CBD oil treatment, scores for both activity and discomfort were much higher. Also, assessments made by veterinarians revealed less discomfort when CBD was used. Dog owners did not report any negative effects, however, blood tests revealed that CBD medication increased one liver enzyme.

Pilot clinical study results thus far indicate that CBD can assist dogs who are experiencing seizures or arthritis. 

So we are saying, 

Currently, kidney disease is a common condition in pets. Understanding how this disease develops and how to prevent it requires an understanding of how it is influenced by diet, environment, and genetics.  There are numerous alternative methods available to manage renal illness. Talk to a holistic veterinarian about your alternatives for care and treatment. Dogs with renal illness cannot be treated with CBD oil. But, that doesn't imply it can't be helpful in therapy. It has long been demonstrated that CBD oil can help dogs with the symptoms of acute and chronic canine kidney illness, including pain, inflammation, loss of appetite, and anxiety. Using a Full Spectrum CBD oil for dogs with kidney disease is not only a great alternative for symptom management but will also work to put the body back into balance (homeostasis) as much as possible.