Cannabis and hemp-derived products are becoming increasingly popular for both humans and dogs. With the increased usage of CBD, pet parents and veterinarians alike are questioning if it could be an alternate choice to treat a variety of pet health concerns. However, the real question is CBD, nevertheless, safe to use CBD oil for dogs in India? Is there sufficient evidence to demonstrate the benefits of CBD supplements for dogs as well as the side effects of cannabinoid oil for dog in veterinary medicine? In this post, we will first understand how CBD oil functions on pets and its potential impact on Canine. 

cannabinoid oil for dog

How does it function?

CBD has been demonstrated to help animals with a variety of ailments, including but not limited to inflammatory issues, seizures, pain reduction, and anxiety. CBD is used to treat pet health issues because it works with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS's objective is to achieve and maintain equilibrium in all bodily systems. This is thought to be why CBD has so many potential benefits. 

cannabinoid oil for dog

What is the impact of CBD oil on Pets?

There are certain health issues Pet CBD could help with:

Pain: The first investigation on the efficacy of CBD in veterinary medicine focused on pain management in dogs. According to the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine study, cannabinoid oil for dog supplements reduced pain in more than 80% of dogs with arthritis. CBD, if absorbed by an animal's body, may help to reduce inflammation and pain. While experts are still understanding how CBD may treat pain, it is thought to alter the ECS and other nerves involved in pain feeling. Reduced joint inflammation, in particular, has been demonstrated in trials to alleviate osteoarthritis aches and pains in pets. In the United States, CBD oil is being used to treat chronic pain in dogs. This alternative therapy is working well for many dogs.

Anxiety: Many pets, like humans, feel anxiety. It is very common knowledge that dogs have separation anxiety and trip anxiety. This leads to a variety of problematic behaviours such as improper urination. If you've already tried training and calming supplements for your dog and they haven't worked, you can try CBD oil for soothing your dog. CBD is known to reduce anxiety and offer sensations of serenity. Experts believe this is due to CBD activating some of the same brain areas as serotonin — the hormone that makes us feel happy and calm. CBD oil can help dogs cope with separation and social anxiety.

Seizures: When combined with standard antiseizure medications, CBD has been demonstrated to help in treating epilepsy in dogs by reducing the frequency of seizures. Although doctors do not fully understand how CBD treats seizures, it is supposed to inhibit nerves in the brain from overfiring and reduce the number of electrolytes suspected to have a part in seizure diseases. In 2018, the FDA authorized Epidiolex, a prescription CBD medicine, for two severe seizure diseases known as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome in humans. It is also licenced to treat seizures caused by tuberculosis sclerosis complex. However, no studies on its use in animals have been undertaken, hence it is not advised for use in pets.

cannabinoid oil for dog

How can I know if CBD is beneficial to my pet?

Because our pets cannot tell us if they are feeling better, the most reliable way to determine whether CBD is working is to observe them and their behaviours. After administering CBD, keep a close eye on your pet to observe if their symptoms improve or worsen. Depending on your pet's condition, symptom relief could take as little as 30 minutes or as long as a few weeks of constant use.

As previously said, CBD has a different effect on each species. If your veterinarian advises you to try it, you may need to experiment with different brands, doses, or forms to determine what works best for your four-legged friend. But, while selecting the proper solution takes time, it is well worth it to see your pet at its best and happiest.

cannabinoid oil for dog

Is it possible for CBD to make my pet high?

As previously stated, CBD does not provide a "high" or euphoric experience. Some owners, however, claim that when their pets consume CBD, they become agitated. If your pet appears to be "high" after taking their medication, there is a reason for this.

Before purchasing any CBD product, thoroughly read the label to learn more about its ingredients. If a product is labelled "full spectrum," it implies it contains up to 0.3% THC, which is the legal maximum limit in India. This relatively small amount may be sufficient to produce this negative effect in your pet, especially if they are hypersensitive to it.

So we are saying, 

Unfortunately, there isn't enough research to determine the safest dose, maximum dose, or duration of CBD treatment for dogs. It is indeed true that CBD has been shown in certain trials to be beneficial to dogs. Nonetheless, these studies do not discuss a conventional dose for the various illnesses. Keep in mind that each pet's ECS works differently, so cbd for dogs India may work better for some than others. Hence, it is highly suggested that you seek out medical consultation from a specialist such as Hempstrol from where you can get consultation on dosage and when your dog is required to take CBD oil. Hempstrol even has a separate line for pets that too in different potency. If you believe you are ready to provide CBD oil to your dog, you should first check with your veterinarian and can even know the same by making an appointment with the Hempstrol team. 

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